August 11th – Perseid Star Party

Baker University Wetlands 1365 N 1250 Rd. Saturday, August 11th — Time to be determined. This will be an evening event for the entire family. All events are Free for Kids of all ages - No registration necessary unless stated.

September 28 – Mary’s Lake

Mary's Lake - 2811 Kensington Rd Saturday, September 28 - 10 am to Noon - Prizes All events are Free for Kids of all ages - No registration necessary unless stated. Bait & Equipment are provided for all fishing events. Fishing is Catch and Release. If you or your...

The first two may be found that the Lawrence Public Library

  • “I Love Dirt” – 52 Activities to Help You and your Kids Discover the Wonders of Nature by Jennifer Ward
  • “Catch A Fish, Throw a Ball, Fly a Kite” – 21 Timeless Skills Every Child Should Know (and Any Parent Can Teach!) by Jeffrey Lee
  • “Nature in a Nutshell for Kids” by Jean Potter
  • “Nature’s Playground” by Fiona Danks & Jo Schofield
  • A Secret Sign for Lindbergh the Great Blue Heron Hardcover by Margie K. Carroll
  • A Busy Week for Salvador the Sandhill Crane by Margie Carroll